Friday, October 18, 2013

2. Who am I?

This post is only a small summary of my life. It's not in lot of details but in my later posts I will write the events in proper details.

Friday, October 11, 2013

1. What this blog is about?

On July 13, 2012 I got engaged and on January 26, 2013 I got married to my ex-fiance. I came to visit my parents on May 28, 2013, after 2 days my marriage started falling apart after that, on June 29, 2013 my husband dumped an agreement infront of me over the phone and said if I didn't agree to any of the points he was going to divorce me (he said he and his family had decided on this from before but waiting for the right time to divorce me). Finally on September 13, 2013 my ex-mother-in-law passed away.

This blog is going to contain events that took place after Janaury 1st (the date I went back home for the wedding) to up until now. I suffered a lot in this marriage and if that wasn't enough for my ex-in-laws they made me suffer even more after the divorce <= according to them being married to a transgender (who kept refusing to get treated) and after making my life a living hell when I was married wasn't bad enough for me that after divorcing me they decided to spread fake lies about me and my family.

NOTE: I'm not going to be using all original names due to personal reasons. Also, this blog is not intended for a younger generation.